Creative Accomplishments

Ten Lessons Innovators Can Learn from Fishers

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Personal Innovation Skills|

For fishers and innovators, the critical capability isn’t knowing how to fish or having all the answers; it’s knowing how to go about finding the fish and discovering the answers we need. There are a number of important lessons about innovation that can be taken from fishing. Continuing my last post...

An Innovation Lesson From American Idol

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Personal Innovation Skills, Uncategorized|

Singing is one of those skills that is difficult to evaluate in ourselves. We rely on feedback from others to determine how we’re doing. (Think of American Idol.) The personal capacity to innovate is a lot like that. It’s difficult to gain an accurate sense of our own creativity or analytical skills or insight. How often have you seen people either discount their creativity or exaggerate it? It’s quite common…and not just in singing competitions.

The Universal Challenge of Entrepreneurs and Innovators

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Personal Innovation Skills|

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, “There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things.” He was talking about politics and government but it applies equally well to any new venture. It is the universal experience of everyone who has ever tried: It’s not going to go exactly like you think it will. You will have to make adjustments.

Creating an Innovation Mindset – It’s All About the Assumptions

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Personal Innovation Skills, Uncategorized|

We don’t yet understand the inner workings of our brains well enough to guide the prescribe of innovation processes and techniques. But we do understand what attitudes, assumptions and beliefs are productive and counterproductive. And that may be even more useful.

Who is More Valuable, Inventors or Innovators?

2017-04-10T21:46:58-06:00By |Innovation Impact, Uncategorized|

We should honor our inventors and perhaps we don’t do that enough, but having an original idea is just one early step toward successful innovation. We rightly and very pragmatically withhold our thanks and praise until we can see a clear benefit...

Innovation Requires Mass Customization – of Ourselves

2017-04-10T21:46:58-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Personal Innovation Skills, Uncategorized|

We hear a lot these days about mass customization as a consumer trend, about how technology now allows us to mass produce products that are customized to the needs and desires of individual consumers. So, why stop with consumer products? To fuel innovation, we need to be talking about mass customization...of people.

Innovation’s Holy Grail

2017-04-10T21:46:58-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Innovation Culture, Uncategorized|

Under Steve Jobs, Apple became what by almost all accounts has been the most successfully innovative company in the world. Now Apple faces what may be an even more daunting challenge: continuing with that innovation success without Steve Jobs. Isn’t that innovation’s Holy Grail? Isn’t that what the whole field of innovation is trying to figure out: how to build an organization that can produce the kind of success of an Apple…without having a world class genius at the helm? I have some hunches as to how...

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