Innovation Outcomes

The Universal Challenge of Entrepreneurs and Innovators

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Personal Innovation Skills|

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, “There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things.” He was talking about politics and government but it applies equally well to any new venture. It is the universal experience of everyone who has ever tried: It’s not going to go exactly like you think it will. You will have to make adjustments.

To Innovate, You Have to Believe

2017-04-10T21:46:57-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Uncategorized|

“There are no atheists in fox holes,” the old saw goes. It’s an assertion that no doubt offends atheists, who I assume hold their beliefs with the same conviction as anyone else. I have a similar observation to make about innovation (one that I don’t think will offend anyone): There are no unbelievers among innovators.


2017-04-10T21:47:12-06:00By |Innovation Strategies, Leading Innovation, Uncategorized|

Purpose is a frequently underrated component of the creative process. Yet it’s essential to both leadership and successful innovation. Is your purpose clear and compelling? Is it articulated in ways that encourage participation? Is it reinforced by your personal behaviors? A weak or poorly understood purpose will promote equally weak outcomes. Creativity answers the “How?” What it needs in order to get started is the “Why?”

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