Innovation Questions

The Trouble With Facts

2017-04-10T21:47:09-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Innovation Strategies, Uncategorized|

“There are no facts about the future.” I don’t know who first said that, but I keep coming across it lately and I agree. It’s not possible to draw factual conclusions about things that haven’t happened yet (although that doesn’t stop us from trying)...which raises an interesting question: How useful are facts in evaluating innovative ideas?

Asking Questions

2010-04-12T07:00:30-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Personal Innovation Skills, Uncategorized|

In science, there’s always another question. No matter how many questions a good researcher answers, or how much data is gathered, there are always more things to ask. In fact, there seems to be a geometric relationship between answers and questions, with each answer prompting multiple new questions. Richer, more subtle, more complex questions. Sometimes [...]

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