Employee Morale

Adapting to Adapting

2017-04-10T21:47:11-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Innovation Culture, Leading Innovation, Uncategorized|

Innovative leadership is about being someone who has made this mental shift. It also means giving others the latitude and encouragement they need to do the same. The payoff is an organizational shift away from resistance to change and the tendency to just hunker down, to a much more engaged sense of, “I’m ready world, give me your best shot.”

Getting Engaged

2017-04-10T21:47:13-06:00By |Innovation Behavior, Innovation Culture, Leading Innovation, Uncategorized|

People who are engaged in their work make appropriate adjustments without being told to. They require less supervision and solve problems more quickly. In other words, engaged employees are easier to manage. Without engagement, the only levers available to managers are command and control, reward and punish. That may keep things afloat, but it’s not a path to innovation and growth.

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