Innovator Mindset® is a holistic approach to innovation informed by two decades of research and development.

The Innovator Mindset® assessment was piloted in 2008 inside organizations that included Medtronic, Thompson Reuters and Allina Health Systems among others. It was found to be a robust and reliable measure of innovativeness. IM has since been researched with hundreds of entrepreneurs in cooperation with the Kauffman Foundation for entrepreneurship. That research found that IM is a remarkably powerful predictor of new venture success and value creation.

IM has been used to measure and develop the innovativeness of graduate students in biofabrication at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, under a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Taken together, this research demonstrates that the Innovator Mindset approach is applicable to a broad range of innovation challenges.

Further research is underway or planned.

The following peer-reviewed papers were published as a series of lead articles in the International Journal of Innovation Science:

Other research:

Hipwell, M.C., et al (2023) Work in Progress: Mind and Skill Sets for Innovation: Preparation for a Rapidly Changing World, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Innovator Mindset Technical Report

Thank you to the following organizations for assistance in this research.


U.S. National Science Foundation

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

University of Massachusetts

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Thomson Reuters

Allina Health