Innovator Mindset® develops the human factors that drive innovation. On teams, in leadership, and organization wide. Whether it’s optimizing an innovation project team, getting employees on board, launching a new venture, or strategic innovative leadership, mindset is crucial. It’s arguably the most impactful yet neglected aspect of any innovation initiative. You just can’t get there without getting your people to think and behave like innovators.
Available workshops include Developing an Innovator Mindset® and Innovative Leadership. Or, we can design an intervention that fits your unique needs and objectives.
Innovator Mindset has developed sophisticated research-based tools to shift mindset. The Innovator Mindset® assessment can be accessed online by individuals, by students at the direction of their instructor, or by teams or organizations as part of an Innovator Mindset workshop or other intervention.
Mindset Trek eLearning is a self-paced program that can also be accessed online, and it includes taking and retaking the Innovator Mindset assessment.
The IM assessment and eLearning are also available for use by coaches, educators and other trainers. The tabs below provide more details.